Land for Energy: Affordable Housing, efficient Energy Transition

and cheap electricity for worldwide wealth. Resolutely stop the economic decline caused by exploding housing costs and skyrocketing energy costs.

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00:00 Start
00:19 Photovoltaic expansion in Germany and other countries much too slow
00:45 Up to 70 GW of photovoltaics in Germany: direct grid feed-in possible
01:36 From 70 to 300 GW of photovoltaics in Germany
02:27 Over 300 GW of photovoltaics in Germany
03:37 Home ownership cheaper than rental apartment, but only if building land is cheap
03:51 Climate disaster emergency plan: mass production of habitable solar power plants
04:51 Sunny summer day, Germany from 0:00 to 24:00 on solar power
05:40 ClimateProtectionSuperiorityHouses as the backbone of the energy transition
06:28 Typical price situation for building sites around an expensive city
06:59 But when high-priced cities are located close together
07:18 A high cost country loses its competitiveness
08:11 Agricultural land yields only 5 cents per m² per year
09:07 Land for energy: the lease is paid with electricity
11:39 What can the government do with the electricity supplied as lease?
12:50 Storage service for the optimization of electricity production
13:27 Study: It would even work with photovoltaics alone
14:09 Supply and demand determine the price
14:58 More supply leads to price reductions
15:27 Price reductions for building land outside “land for energy” areas
17:12 End

Music: Andy Mangele

Land for energy 2019
We need much more solar power for the climate targets, for independence from oil through the switch to electric mobility. That is why we need to redesign land-use and building regulations.

          Land for Energy: Affordable Housing, efficient Energy Transition: and cheap electricity for worldwide wealth. Resolutely stop the economic decline caused by exploding housing costs and skyrocketing energy costs.

          The green energy transition has failed, long live a functional energy transition for cheap electricity and affordable housing! Land for energy!